World-class convenience, performance, and retention, dramatically fewer serious injuries
World-class convenience, performance, and retention, dramatically fewer serious injuries Ordinary bindings were designed to protect against broken legs, but they don't protect against knee injuries. KneeBindings have a 3rd dimension - a patented, PureLateralTM heel release. It can detect the forces that cause most knee injuries, and release before the injury occurs! KneeBinding is the only ski binding proven to help protect your knees.
Professional-grade KneeBindings are the ONLY bindings made in America, and it is no accident that KneeBindings have won every major on-snow performance award! We offer superior leverage, edge-grip, and retention, with industry-leading elasticity, cantilevered brakes, configurable ramp delta, precision toe height, the most stable boot platform, the widest mounting platform, and a full floating mount system for "flat" skis.