Demon P-Tex 10 Sticks Ski/Snowboard Base Repair
Demon P-Tex 10 Sticks Ski/Snowboard Base Repair
Demon P-Tex 10 Sticks Ski/Snowboard Base Repair
Demon P-Tex 10 Sticks Ski/Snowboard Base Repair
Demon P-Tex 10 Sticks Ski/Snowboard Base Repair

P-Tex 10 Sticks Ski/Snowboard Base Repair

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P-Tex snowboard/ski base repair sticks from Demon.


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About the Demon P - Tex 10 Sticks

P-Tex is used professionally to repair any scrapes and scratches in the base of your skis or snowboard which are too deep to smooth over with wax.

Once base wax has been removed, P-Tex is easy to apply: simply melt some P-Tex and drip it over the gouge, allowing it to fill. Give it 30 seconds to cool a little and then wipe off any excess using a flat edge or blade. Now just to re-wax the base and you're all set to go!

  • Stick Size: A stick is 200mm long and 8mm in diameter
  • Colour: Choose Black for darker coloured bases or Clear for lighter coloured bases
  • Pack Size: 10 P-Tex Sticks
Demon United or Demon Snow or just plain Demon are market leaders in the specialist field of snowboard and ski accessories, with Demon body armour, helmets and accessories offering outstanding levels of protection and value for money! Utah-based Demon burst onto the snowboard scene with their Stomplock
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