The Hand Cruiser (Left) from Edelrid is an ergonomically-shaped hand ascender for a comfortable ascent on the rope. The curved design increases comfort and reduces friction in the system.
The large eyelet allows several carabiners to be attached. The featured smaller, slightly higher eyelet makes it ideal for setting up a directional anchor. The secondary hand can comfortably grasp the Hand Cruiser at the top during ascent.
The upper part of the ascender can be grasped with the other hand for two-handed ascents
Cams for optimal grip on iced or muddy ropes
Right-hand/ left-hand version in different colours for easy identification
For 8.0 - 13.0 mm diameter kernmantel ropes
Innovative climbing and mountaineering enthusiasts, Edelrid design and produce quality climbing ropes, harnesses, shoes, apparel and hardware with fine tuned details and carefully chosen complementary colourways.