With over 40 years of experience, Snugpak offers a high-quality range of tried and tested sleeping bags and outdoor gear. The Softie series gives you an easy carry, mummy-style bag designed for warmth and comfort across a variety of conditions.
The Softie 9 Hawk features a Paratex Steelplate shell. This lightweight yet tough fabric is highly breathable and soft to the touch with a DWR coating to protect against condensation and ground moisture. On the inside, a Paratex Light fabric is highly windproof, water repellent, and exceptionally breathable with next-to-skin softness for a great night's sleep.
Snugpak's exclusive synthetic Softie Premium fill uses superfine filaments bound with special resins to produce a luxurious down-like feel. These high-loft fibres trap heat for maximum comfort with a durable, long-lasting design that retains heat even in damp conditions.
Additional features include a two-way, anti-snag zipper with a full-length baffle for draft protection and a quilted, snug fit hood with cord adjustment.
The Softie 9 Hawk weighs just 1500g with a compact pack size that makes it a great value sleeping bag for 3-season alpine hiking, backpacking, and wild camping in cold-weather conditions.